
Scholarship List

College Preview Days FALL 2024

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  • UT Dallas Scholars' Day Oct. 12th, Nov 9  here


    Tarleton State - Oct 14th.   here


    Texas State Bobcat Days - Oct. 26, Nov. 23 here


    Texas Tech Preview - Oct.14  here


    Stephen F Austin Showcase Nov. 2 here


    Texas A&M Commerce Mane Event Oct. 23 here


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  •  Join my counseling REMIND - For the latest news sent via text directly to your phone text @9fkdc to 81010  

    Dual Credit Remind - text @a82egb to 81010.

    Seniors, to request your transcript sent to college fill out a form from the wall in the office or email Include the college and address if out of state or private.

  • SENIORS 2025 

    FAFSA is now open. Go to to get started.

    If you missed the meeting, the slide show is under presentations in left column.

    Dual Credit Info.

    Students must qualify with the TSIA2 test or SAT scores for TVCC classes

    DUAL CREDIT DEADLINE IS April 15 for Applying and Registering for a summer 25 or Fall 25 class.

    The TSIA2 has a new procedure for signing up.  Students must take the Pre-Assessment Activity first before signing up.

    When you have completed the PAA come by Mrs. Dominguez's office to get a note before you pay Mrs. Vann (cash) for the test.  


    Next TSIA2 test date TBD

    Full Test - $25  ELAR only $15, Math only $10 Essay only $5

    Directions are in the TVCC forms link.

    Dual Credit Forms can be found under the forms link. 

    Here are the TSIA2  exemptions 

    SAT - Reading- 480   Math - 530   ACT composite 23 with 19 on English and Math  - Students can register and pay online for the SAT at or the ACT at  They do these tests on their own on a Saturday at a school nearby - usually Forney or Ennis. 


    ALL Juniors will take the SAT in the spring on campus at no cost.

    Go to  to find information for students, including a study app.  Students who prepare for the test do better!

    The TSIA2 is one of the ways students qualify to take courses through TVCC. ELA must be passed to take most courses.  The Math TSIA2 is only needed for math and upper level science courses.

    DO YOU NEED YOUR TSI SCORES? Go to the Accuplacer student portal: here  It will email the scores to the email you registered for the test with. It uses your Texas Unique ID that you may not know if you did not keep your voucher. Send me an email and I will send the ID to you. (This portal only works for tests that were taken starting Jan. 2021)

    Great site for Texas College Scholarship Info :

    The easiest way to earn a scholarship for college is with an
    excellent SAT or ACT Score.

    Scholarship Search Site: Big Future 

    Search site: Texas Comptroller 

    Local Scholarships will open in the spring. 

    Great new Resource - My Texas Future. Lots of information on colleges, careers, how much income you need to live, etc.

    See links in left column for information regarding SAT, ACT, Test preparation and FAFSA.
    Research proves that as little as 10 hours of studying can improve
    a score by 100 points!

    See Presentation link in left column for SAT Prep Presentation.Taking the ACT?  Go to for free test prep.
    Students who receive free or reduced lunch qualify for fee waivers (2) for SAT/ACT. 


    Check out the College Preview days for 2022-23. Here

     What career do I want to have?  Check out this Career Coach 

    Texas Career Check 


    AND HVAC in metroplex -   UA Local 100 



  • Students may take online individual courses from Texas Tech University TTU k-12.  or The University of Texas at Austin.  These classes may be taken at any time during the year. They are approximately $300 per semester credit.

    Credit by Exam 

    Students interested in Credit by Exam may request a test during these windows:

    Register with counselor by Dec. 1 - Test window Jan 1 - March 31

    Register with counselor by March 1 - Test window April 1 - June 30

    Register with counselor by June 1 - Test window July 1 - Sept. 30

    Register with counselor by Sept. 1 - Test window Oct. 1 - Dec. 31

    Students must score 80% on courses they have never taken in order to gain credit and 70% for courses they have already taken and failed.