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Child Find

Special Education Referral and Child Find

The Scurry-Rosser Independent School District has special services available for eligible infants, children and young adults identified with disabilities. Federal and state laws require that school districts maintain a Child Find system for identifying, locating, and evaluating individuals with suspected disabilities (birth through age 21) within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and related services.   Scurry-Rosser offers comprehensive special education services to eligible students ages three through 21 years and to children from birth through age 21 years who have a hearing or visual impairment.  Children from birth to age three with other disabilities will be referred to appropriate agencies for services. All referrals are considered confidential, and services are provided at no cost.  The parent, legal guardian, or surrogate parent retains the right to refuse services and are provided other procedural safeguards under federal and state law. 

Public school services and evaluations are provided for several areas of suspected disabilities, including Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language Impairments, Physical Impairments, Vision or Hearing Impairment, Intellectual Disabilities, Emotional Disturbances, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Health Impairments, or Traumatic Brain Injuries. 

A free, appropriate, public education with a full continuum of services is available. For more information concerning eligibility criteria and referral procedures, contact the principal or counselor of your local school or call the Scurry-Rosser ISD Department of Special Programs at (972) 452-8823.

Section 504 Referral and Child Find

Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Scurry-Rosser Independent School District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students.  For additional information about the rights of parents of eligible children, or for answers to any questions you might have about identification, evaluation and placement into section 504 programs, please contact the Director of Special Programs, Heather Jestis, at (972) 452-8823 or by mail at 10705 S. State Hwy 34, Scurry, Texas 75142.

Child Find and Evaluation

Updates in Special Education

First page of the PDF file: Updates-on-Special-Education
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