Gifted and Talented Program
Mission and Philosophy
District Mission Statement
The mission of Scurry-Rosser ISD is to prepare students to be passionate learners and influential leaders who strive for excellence and fulfill their potential.
District Philosophy of Gifted Education
The Scurry-Rosser ISD is committed to an educational program which recognizes the unique value, needs, and talents of the individual student. A program for academically excellent students is an integral part of this commitment. The G/T program in Scurry-Rosser ISD exists for the students who are capable and ready to learn at the levels of depth and complexity necessary to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for their appropriate grade levels. Its guiding characteristic is the provision of differentiated and independent studies which meet both cognitive and affective needs. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide experiences whereby the students will be challenged academically, socially, and emotionally to achieve their greatest potential to manage change and to have a sense of responsibility for self, school, community, and society.
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Who to Contact
Heather Jestis, Director of Special Programs
Angela Mead, GT Teacher