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Special Education Programs

Special Education is a term that describes the flexible individual service/programs designed by ARD committees to meet the needs of children with disabilities on the campus. Following are several of the options that may be utilized:

Regular Classroom with Accommodations/Modifications:

  • Instructional and curricular accommodations/modifications recommended by the ARD committee are implemented in the general education classroom. This enables the student to be involved and progress in the general curriculum to the maximum extent possible

Speech Therapy:

  • Speech and language therapy is available to all eligible students ages three through twenty-one years of age residing in the district. Through assessment and intervention, the speech-language pathologist helps students with communication disorders in the areas of articulation, language, voice and fluency.


  • Inclusion is designed to support special education students in the general education classroom accessing the general curriculum. The student receives direct instruction and special education support in the general education setting.


  • The resource classroom is for special education students who receive direct instruction in the areas of reading, math, and written language from the special education teacher. The special education teacher is responsible for planning instruction according to the student’s IEP.

Life Skills Program:

  • Learning in Functional Environments (Life Skills) The Life Skills program is a setting for a student with an intellectual disability or physical impairment and whose disability interferes with his/her performance in the general education classroom.

Hospital/Homebound Services:

  • Homebound instruction is a service that is considered to be highly restrictive. Students on homebound are unable to interact with peers and may require to a reduced curriculum. Homebound instruction may be extended to students who are eligible for special education instruction and, due to a medical condition, must be confined to their home for a minimum period of four weeks. In order to assist the ARD Committee in determining eligibility for the identified student for special education homebound services, information will be requested from the student’s attending physician.

Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities (PPCD):

  • Three, four, and five year old children with disabilities can participate in this program. The PPCD program offers a continuum of services ranging from speech services only to a full-day program based on the needs of the child. These .special preschoolers receive instruction in the developmental areas of cognition, communication, motor, self-help and social/emotional.

Related Services:

  • Related and support services are available for those students who meet special education eligibility requirements. These services may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education.
  • If the need for a related service is suspected, the evaluation must be planned in an ARD. Related services include transportation and such developmental, corrective, and other support services (i.e., Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Assistive Technology, In-Home Training, Parent Training) as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education