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Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

Scurry-Rosser ISD

Our purpose is to provide students with the desire and the skills to pursue excellence, to be competitive in the workplace and in institutions of higher education, and to make responsible, informed, ethical decisions both now and during their future lives.

Academic Goal

  • To prepare students to think critically and become highly successful in their area of choice
  • To provide a foundation in reading, mathematics, and writing for all students
  • To create an academic culture that promotes competition, rigor, and relevance equipping students with the skills needed to compete in a 21st century marketplace

Extracurricular Goal

  • Extracurricular programs will be designed to foster student achievement thus supporting their future endeavors
  • Extracurricular programs will be designed to instill competitive excellence through comprehensive and varied offerings
  • Extracurricular programs will be designed to develop discipline, character, leadership, integrity, and a winning attitude in all students

Finance Goal

  • To maintain financial solvency and fund balance
  • To ensure ample resources are allocated to personnel, student programs, and curriculum
  • To utilize tax dollars in a transparent and efficient manner to honor the public trust

Facilities Goal

  • To maintain facilities that are efficient, highly functional, and inviting
  • To provide facilities that are safe, secure, and conducive to learning
  • To provide facilities that are sufficient for all student programs and student growth


Board Policy AE Local
