Open Forum
Procedure For Addressing the Board of Trustees
You are welcome to any meeting of your Board of Trustees. We are glad to listen to your opinion or to any constructive statement or complaint you wish to make.
At every meeting, a thirty (30) minute Open Forum will be set aside, if needed, to hear comments from guests. Statements from each guest are limited to five minutes by policy BED. To facilitate the Board's understanding of your position we request that you complete the form PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES and hand it to the Board President prior to the beginning of the Board meeting.
Please be aware that any complaint that you wish to bring about an employee or other individual cannot be heard by the Board unless it is on the official agenda and follows the procedures in policy BEC. Your public remarks about an employee or other individual may make you vulnerable to the slander laws should the individual choose to take such action.
Below is a list of parts of the Scurry-Rosser School Board Policy that address the issues related to addressing the Board of Trustees.
Procedure for Addressing the Board of Trustees
FNG Local - Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaint/Grievances
Level One Public Complaint Form
BEC Legal - Board Meetings Closed Meetings
BED Local - Board Meetings Public Participation
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